ODIN, the Operational Environment Data Integration Network, was developed for TRADOC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence. It contains several resources such as the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE), Force Structures, and Training Circular 100 series.
A U.S. Army project, ODIN is a web application that serves the exercise planning and training community. ODIN was released in 2018 and is a daily used resource for soldiers.
My main design work involved refactoring the pre-existing frameworks for the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Training Publications, DATE Knowledge Base, and search functionality within ODIN.
I also was tasked with creating a mobile layout for said frameworks, using Adobe Illustrator and XD to create easy visualization for efficient implementation by dev team.
Ryan O'Donnell
Cassandra Trissler
Chris Hassebrook
Daniel Wilson
David Byers
Duncan Iaria
Eric Monachello
Jennifer Truss
Mark Mahn
Rachael Spayde
Zach Helm
In 2016 the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) G-2 Intelligence tasked IDSI to research and protoype a new way for soldiers to store and access written content. They identified a gap where all content was being created in a word processor and stored in word or pdf files on sharepoint for users to donwload. The process of storing and sharing data wasn't dynamic and users found it cumbersome to navigate and difficult to find key information.
In 2018 I was tasked with taking the frameworks of ODIN and streamlining key areas of focus that would aid in easier navigation, intuitive seach interface and smart display of information. Working within the Mediawiki template to create something simple to use and understand that visually aided the soldiers in accomplishing their tasks efficiently.
Upon opening access for users to test we quickly started to recieve feedback for further improvement and began incorperating change requests into daily design meetings. Our team even incorperated a feature for quick and accessible feedback from any page.